We get fanmail all the time. As you know, we have the privilege of tearing up at your sweet kind words, or crying little baby girls when you're biting and nasty. But our favorite letters are the tribute letters to your objects d' lust, because in them we can feel the real passion. So much so that we often feel like we need a Purell bath after reading.
So was the communication of one 'Earl D' who felt a need to remind us, and I suppose we did need reminding, that for all of our Britty glamour model lust, none truly reigned supreme as Keeley Hazell, a legend in her own time (just really a few years ago), and a true giver in our own mind, where Keeley still routinely drops her top and giggles for the benefit of the fantasy machines in our brains.
To wit, EgoReader 'Earl D' doesn't just lament and promote, he provides, an amazing set of Grant Sainsbury photos of the wicked hot British glamour queen, Keeley Hazell, in various states of moisture and undress. Take the time to peruse them all, and for that, you will be a better man, or woman, or young child who is not supposed to be accessing this site but you know how that goes. Enjoy.
Much much more from the Grant Sainsbury photoshoot of Keeley Hazell:
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