December will herald Wonder Woman's 71st birthday, having made her inaugural appearance in All Star Comics #8, 1941. This quintessential American heroine is replete with indestructible bracelets, an invisible airplane and the jiggliest jugtastic comic book nerds ever saw (indeed, the only ones many ever will see).
As a salutation to this illustrious occasion, and because there's a great dearth of sexy septuagenarians on Egotastic! (although contains more saggy knockers than you can shake a boner at. So we're told [ed. note: I totally fell for this]), behold this week's gallery. The Fox Hunt's penchant for cleavy cosplay is the perfect place to showcase these, a scant selection of the skimpy homages the world's womenfolk have made to this iconic character.
We scoured that thar internet- with our pants down- for these GILFtacular images (disconcertingly, that is indeed an actual term), so you don't have to. As a great man once proclaimed, what better way to honor a great fictional feminist icon than an ogling session? Heed these wise words, gentlemen.
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